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Compare Checking Accounts

Explore the differences between our checking accounts and choose the one that fits you best.

Checking Comparison Chart

FeaturesGet Real CheckingPremier CheckingBasic Checking
Minimum to Open$10$100$10
Earns InterestCheckmark
ATM/Debit CardCheckmarkCheckmarkCheckmark
ATM Refunds*Checkmark
Online BankingCheckmarkCheckmarkCheckmark
Mobile BankingCheckmarkCheckmarkCheckmark
24 Hour Telephone BankingCheckmarkCheckmarkCheckmark
Free bankESB ChecksCheckmarkCheckmark

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*Other bank ATM surcharge fees that are charged to the account during current statement cycle will be refunded on the last business day of the current statement cycle. Not responsible for surcharges or fees imposed by other banks, ATM operators and/or networks based outside of the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii or U.S. Territories. Accounts closed or changed to another product during statement cycle will not receive a refund of other banks' ATM surcharge fees.

Get Real Checking

No need to worry about ATM fees and monthly service charges with this account.

*Other bank ATM surcharge fees that are charged to the account during current statement cycle will be refunded on the last business day of the current statement cycle. Not responsible for surcharges or fees imposed by other banks, ATM operators and/or networks based outside of the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii or U.S. Territories. Accounts closed or changed to another product during statement cycle will not receive a refund of other banks' ATM surcharge fees.

** 3rd party fees for message, data and internet services may apply.

Premier Checking

Take advantage of even more account benefits while earning interest on your balance.


* 3rd party fees for message, data and internet services may apply.

**Not responsible for surcharges or fees imposed by other banks, ATM operators or any networks.

APY will be paid on Premier Checking daily balances of $.01 or more. Premier Checking requires minimum opening balance of $100. No minimum balance is required to maintain account.

Effective Date: Friday, February 21, 2025

Checking Accounts

Minimum to OpenMinimum Daily Balance to Earn APYInterest RateAnnual Percentage Yield(APY)%*
$100$.01 - $24,999.99.03%.03%
$100$25,000 - $49,999.99.07%.07%
$100$50,000 - $99,999.99.12%.12%
$100$100,000 - $999,999.99.16%.16%
$100$1,000,000 and over.20%.20%

* Interest is compounded monthly. Annual percentage yield (APY) assumes principal and interest remain on deposit for one year. Minimum opening and daily balance to earn stated APY is $.01. Fees could reduce earnings on accounts. Rates offered are subject to change without notice.

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) federally insures deposits of up to $250,000. All portions of deposits in excess of $250,000 are insured by the Depositors Insurance Fund (DIF).

Basic Checking*

Looking for a free checking account with no maintenance fees? Look no further.

** 3rd party fees for message, data and internet services may apply

***Not responsible for surcharges or fees imposed by other banks, ATM operators or any networks.

*Notify us if you are 65 years of age or older, or 18 years of age or younger. You may be eligible for a waiver or reduction of certain account fees or charges.


The best things in life are free...

GET REAL CHECKING. Refund ATM Fees Nationwide*. No Monthly Fees. No Hidden Anything.

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