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Take precautions to reduce your chances of becoming a victim of identity theft. If you suspect identity theft or fraud involving any of your bankESB accounts, contact bankESB immediately at 855.527.4111.


CyberScout® isn’t just for victims of identity theft. Whether you’re confronted with a serious crisis or would like to take preventative measures, you’ll get comprehensive one-on-one expert assistance.

Review how this service can work for you:

Want to take advantage of this service?

This service is available to all bankESB customers for only $12 per year.All you need is an bankESB personal checking account.There are no additional charges. Plus, that one low annual fee covers everyone in your household, including dependents under the age of 26 who may be living outside the home, like at college. Of course, you may opt out of this service at any time by calling our bankESB Customer Care Center at 855.527.4111 ext. 6000.

Identity Theft Articles

What Exactly is Identity Theft?

Identity theft is a crime that involves someone else using your name, Social Security number and/or other personal information to steal. The theft can involve the use of your existing credit cards to purchase expensive items, opening new credit accounts in your name, making purchases or cash advances, or draining your financial accounts. Identity theft can even allow someone to use your name when arrested for criminal acts!

Read more about What Exactly is Identity Theft?

What to Do If You're the Victim of Identity Theft

When you are the victim of identity theft, you must deal with the logistical impact of the crime (contacting creditors, correcting your credit report, etc) as well as the emotional aftermath. The process may leave you feeling violated, frustrated and helpless. The following information can help you to figure out what to do if it happens to you. Knowing what to do and those to contact can empower you to get your credit straightened out and help you to regain your emotional balance.

Read more about What to Do If You're the Victim of Identity Theft